"Merry Christmas from Rudy Wolff".
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
The interesting opportunity mentioned a couple of weeks ago was rejected by me this time, preferring to have a show at this oversea venue another time instead. - A disease gotten in India has stolen a lot of "Imperivm" sewing time, thus arranging a somewhat smaller, but very stylish show in Norway in February instead. However, no less than three cool Imperivm garments were started yesterday, in between all the Christmas gluttony. Below is the India International Fashion Week finale sneak peak Imperivm outfit:
New excitement
Today, that is to say yesterday, interesting doors of oppurtunity opened when it comes to the fashion week in February. This made me so excited that I immediately and despite being ill, continued on a jacket that combines the eco-friendliness of redesign with the intricate details of couture. Compare it with transforming a boring, but rather well designed brick building into an ornate Tudor house ... Well, a completely monochrome Tudor House that would be (no shades).
Obama steals all the attention today
These days before Christmas I am only resting and digesting all the impressions from India. However, with police helicopters all over the city and long motorcades there is more excitement than rest this place.
The process of evaluating OIIFW has also started, combined with planning the sites of future fashion shows. The "Imperivm" collection, that one also could see some extracts from in Gurgaon on Saturday will be initiated next week.
The process of evaluating OIIFW has also started, combined with planning the sites of future fashion shows. The "Imperivm" collection, that one also could see some extracts from in Gurgaon on Saturday will be initiated next week.
Back from India!
This truly was a few of the most adventurous days of my life! After a long Aeroflot flight from snowy Norway via rainy Moscow, I was picked up at Indira Ghandi airport in hot India by a fashion week-dedicated driver, Peter, who transported me to Crowne Plaza hotel in "India´s Silicon Valley", Gurgaon. What a hotel! With 20 metres tall ceilings in the reception area, a wonderful buffet and out of this world service, I had an excellent stay there. Truly recommendable!
After my arrival on Friday, I made the garments ready for exposure, slept deeply due to jetlag and watched Monica Paracha´s and Mustafa Hassanali´s shows. The first displayed regional maximalism at its best, while the latter combines African aesthetics with the modern and showed a very sensual collection:
Saturday I was very nervous, as my show was between two stars: Israel design school talent Chen Cohen and Andres Aquino, head of the New York Haute Couture Week. Here are some backstage photos:
But my show went well! Afterwards, I was interviewed by several papers, magazines and TV stations. Here are some press/photo links:
"Creations of Rudy Wolff at OIIFW" http://www.femefashions.com/feme/gallery/photo/designer/detail.php?PAGE_NAME=detail&SECTION_ID=345&ELEMENT_ID=10808
"OIIFW´09 photos" http://photogallery.indiatimes.com/articleshow/5308337.cms (front page of photo gallery + picture 14-16)
"Latest fashion week: From hot minis to sensual saris: Rediff getahead" http://getahead.rediff.com/slide-show/2009/dec/07/slide-show-1-glamour-oxybleach-fw-from-minis-to-saris.htm (2 pictures)
"Moteguru i India": http://www.laagendalsposten.no/article/20091209/KULTUR/712099993/1099 (in Norwegian)
The fashion week was ended with Aquino´s own show:
After my arrival on Friday, I made the garments ready for exposure, slept deeply due to jetlag and watched Monica Paracha´s and Mustafa Hassanali´s shows. The first displayed regional maximalism at its best, while the latter combines African aesthetics with the modern and showed a very sensual collection:
Saturday I was very nervous, as my show was between two stars: Israel design school talent Chen Cohen and Andres Aquino, head of the New York Haute Couture Week. Here are some backstage photos:
But my show went well! Afterwards, I was interviewed by several papers, magazines and TV stations. Here are some press/photo links:
"Creations of Rudy Wolff at OIIFW" http://www.femefashions.com/feme/gallery/photo/designer/detail.php?PAGE_NAME=detail&SECTION_ID=345&ELEMENT_ID=10808
"OIIFW´09 photos" http://photogallery.indiatimes.com/articleshow/5308337.cms (front page of photo gallery + picture 14-16)
"Latest fashion week: From hot minis to sensual saris: Rediff getahead" http://getahead.rediff.com/slide-show/2009/dec/07/slide-show-1-glamour-oxybleach-fw-from-minis-to-saris.htm (2 pictures)
"Moteguru i India": http://www.laagendalsposten.no/article/20091209/KULTUR/712099993/1099 (in Norwegian)
The fashion week was ended with Aquino´s own show:
And the work goes on and on and on ...
After a half sleepless night (positive stress & all that), followed by a sewing accessories buying trip to town (no shopping free day for me!) I had one of the final sewing sessions today: I have worked on a cool, light blue & sexy ladies´uniform 2-piece set and added a blue, tutu-ish underskirt to a dress.
Then I have attended a fashion event (pre-party to the new Oslo Fashion Night), drinking only mineral water today. "Sorry, my workday isn´t over." Having escaped being photographed in front of those "ad boards" that stars (and unknown narcissists) are so attracted to, the host insisted this time, and then I was depicted together with Negar Khan, a Bollywood actress based in Norway. It´s a small world ...
Now I will have a midnight meal, sew a few stitches more and then hopefully have a good nights sleep, actually looking forward to another long workday. - Heard about flow?
Then I have attended a fashion event (pre-party to the new Oslo Fashion Night), drinking only mineral water today. "Sorry, my workday isn´t over." Having escaped being photographed in front of those "ad boards" that stars (and unknown narcissists) are so attracted to, the host insisted this time, and then I was depicted together with Negar Khan, a Bollywood actress based in Norway. It´s a small world ...
Now I will have a midnight meal, sew a few stitches more and then hopefully have a good nights sleep, actually looking forward to another long workday. - Heard about flow?
Blog still being somewhat neglected
- Due to business, as in busy-ness: A long and hard, but somewhat successful day at the workshop, followed by excessive sushi intake and a Barbie celebration at the night club La Belle Sole in Oslo, marked by a pink skirt (actually the golden yellow galla skirt shown at Fashion Week in February, but redesigned and turned inside out, as the fabric is two-sided) and matching shawl (also show at the mentioned event, but with another outfit). - This way of dressing actually made me one of the most Barbie-ish attendees of the evening.
Blog turning to English
Hyggelig stress
I dag var det folksomt i atelieret, med både kjente og ukjente. Ting gikk kanskje 60% så fort som det skulle, og jeg fryktet at Tidsskjemaet (en stadig oppdatert Excel-oversikt m/tidsbruk pr. plagg samt andre IIFW-relaterte oppgaver) skulle sprekke. Men det gjorde det ikke - skjemaet er ajour på timen, og jeg har lagt inn slingringsmonn. Det er også tid for motefester både fredag iog lørdag, selv om jeg nok må legge bånd på meg mht. champagneinntak. Dét har jeg forhåpentligvis gjort meg fortjent til lørdagen etter uansett ....
Flere perletopper
Dagen i dag har vært viet oppgaven å lage topp til den tidligere avbildede blå, grønne og gullfarvede kragen som består av tusenvis av perler. Den tok lengre tid enn forventet, så jeg er bittelitt på etterskudd. Men noen ganger får planer og plikter bare være teoristoff; etterpå står Leila Hafzi-butikkåpning for døren!
Pasteller og julepynt
Dagens spørsmål
Den gule dagen
Intet spesielt å melde
- Arbeidet går sin gang, med videreføring og ferdigstillelse av diverse plagg. Siste tilskudd er en påbegynt topp med den tidligere avbildede "blå" perlekraven. Foret og fullført blir dette plagget MEGET elegant ...
I dag har jeg nesten-fullført en asymmetrisk, rosa kjole, som fikk noen pene ryggfolder. Ellers ble det ikke gjort så mye vettugt i atelieret fra min side.
Vel hjemme var det relativt omfattende oppgradering av nettsidene som stod for tur - pga. at pressemeldinger går ut i India i morgen (altså i dag teknisk sett), samt mislykket oppladning av perlekrave-bilder til Facebook (her er man ikke fan av Active-X) og vask av to kjoler jeg er relativt stolt av.
Morgendagen vil foregå i splendid isolation foran symaskinen.
Vel hjemme var det relativt omfattende oppgradering av nettsidene som stod for tur - pga. at pressemeldinger går ut i India i morgen (altså i dag teknisk sett), samt mislykket oppladning av perlekrave-bilder til Facebook (her er man ikke fan av Active-X) og vask av to kjoler jeg er relativt stolt av.
Morgendagen vil foregå i splendid isolation foran symaskinen.
Fullendelse, prøving og feiling
I dag ble denne kjolen, med unntak av feste av det gullfarvede perlekjedet fullført, inkl. et nydelig, matchende belte med gammelrosa dusker. Avdukes på India International Fashion Week!
I tillegg ble en gladrosa, asymmetrisk kjole påbegynt. Pga. mange forstyrrelser ble det litt feilsøm, men etter å ha fått i meg noe mat, ble sømdagen så meget bedre. Også en vakker, klassisistisk topp ble påbegynt i dag ...
I tillegg ble en gladrosa, asymmetrisk kjole påbegynt. Pga. mange forstyrrelser ble det litt feilsøm, men etter å ha fått i meg noe mat, ble sømdagen så meget bedre. Også en vakker, klassisistisk topp ble påbegynt i dag ...
Perlekraven ble fullført kl. 01.00. Da hadde jeg noe som føltes som grus i øynene. Kom meg imidlertid ikke i seng før 04.00, noe som da resulterte i noe hinsides morgengrettenhet og søvn til 12.00.
Siden en økt med administrasjon, innkjøp av sytråd og perlegrå frynser til en sexy & morsom asymmetrisk kjole som vil bli vist på catwalken i New Dehli, visstnok den lengste brukt i India hittil ...
Deretter avhenting av visum, atelierbesøk og nesten-fullførelse av en kjole svakt inspirert av maharajaen av Patalia. Han var en storkunde hos Cartier, "for å si det slik". Nå gjenstår fullførelsen av denne gammelrosa og gullfarvede symfonien, trolig til jeg nok en gang får grus i øynene. Eller var det diamanter?
Siden en økt med administrasjon, innkjøp av sytråd og perlegrå frynser til en sexy & morsom asymmetrisk kjole som vil bli vist på catwalken i New Dehli, visstnok den lengste brukt i India hittil ...
Deretter avhenting av visum, atelierbesøk og nesten-fullførelse av en kjole svakt inspirert av maharajaen av Patalia. Han var en storkunde hos Cartier, "for å si det slik". Nå gjenstår fullførelsen av denne gammelrosa og gullfarvede symfonien, trolig til jeg nok en gang får grus i øynene. Eller var det diamanter?
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